Best 4 Tips to Create a Minimalist yet Stylish Living Room

Good Living Room Idea -Living room is one of the most important parts of a home. The role of the living room becomes quite vital because this is where you greet every guest who comes to your home. A good organization in the living room, of course, will make your guests feel welcome and comfortable.

In order to create a comfortable atmosphere, you need to pay attention to the design of the living room and the placement of some furniture in this room. It is a good idea to arrange the furniture in a minimalist style. Another alternative is to adjust the condition of the house itself. For instance, consider how large or how important the living room for you.

Here are a few steps to organize your living room to make it look comfortable but still stylish by :

1. Consider the size of your living room

How big is your home? You should adjust the furniture with the size of the living room. If your living room is small, then you’ll want to use a minimalist interior design. Conversely, if your living room is big enough, then you can express your wishes more freely.

2. Interior arrangement
For a minimalist living room, you should be able to make the appropriate selection of furniture so that your living room looks simple and minimalist. Furniture such as tables and chairs should be well arranged. The placement of small cushions on the couch will also make the living room look more comfortable. Use soft colors for the couch, such as white or gray. You can also add carpet to add a warm impression.

In addition, consider the existing wall hangings. Do not put too much wall hangings as it will make the room look full and stuffy. Put an ornamental wall clock and photographs as necessary. Try to choose a wall clock that is not too noisy with a simple design. As for the photographs, you can put your family photos on the wall.

You also should not put decorations like large urns throughout your living room because it will interfere with your guests when they are entering the room. Furthermore, when you have a minimalist small home, simply place the necessary furniture for your living room for a spacious impression.

3. Furniture material

For a minimalist interior concept, try to choose wood or aluminum furniture with soft colors. If your living room is spacious, you can play with bright colors

4. Floor and ceiling
Marble floors can be the right choice for you who want to apply the concept of minimalism in your living room. For the ceiling, try to make it high since a too low ceiling normally makes a room feel stuffy.