-- Tropical home design with open plan concepts are very popular with many people. With the concept of an open plan in a house will be able to maximize the use of electricity and other electronic devices. In the following, we will provide an everview of the tropis house with an open plan concept, see it and hope it useful.
The concept of a house with an open plan design is indeed suitable if applied in a tropical country, with the hot weather to make the air circulation in the house healthier and residents of the house will feel comfortable. The use of large glass windows also determines to add an open and tropical impression to a house. The use of wood from several elements also adds to the impression that is one with nature and is more beautiful.

Modern tropical house and open plan concepts that seem one with nature don't require you to use modern materials with expensive materials. maximizing will also affect the tropical concept house. The choice of natural and strong material against weathers changes also determines the structural strength of a building. By using natural materials will certainly minimize expenses, enviromentally friendly with the concept of energy saving. Examples of natural materials that you can use to build a house are wood, soil, bamboo, natural stone dan concrete that have been isolated to create a comfortable and enviromentally friendly impession.
Water is an element that complements the design of a tropical home by combining several elements that can make the house look more natural and pleasant. By building a swimming pool or applying a fish pond in a house will give a natural and attractive appearance of a tropical home design.

Back to nature is a concept and tips for tropical home housing. By giving a touch and feel of natural to the house will create e beautiful and shooting home. A little outdoor concepts as well by adding ornamental plants and tress to the house will certainly make the atmosphere at home cooler and shady. The use of wood material in some element will also give a simple impression to the house.
Natural lighting is needed in homes with tropical areas. The use of glass windows or an open spcae area can also add natural lighting. Without the need to use lights during the day with the help of sunlight which will provide fresher and healthier air, of course. The design and arrangement of space are also very concerned about providing free space in each room.
Hopefully this article is useful for those of you who are looking for inspiration for design and house plans. Hopefully your sustenance will be facilitated in building your dream house.
Don't forget to share to your relatives and family so that it can be useful for others.
Author : Lynda
Editor : Munawaroh
Source : Pinterest website is a website that presents various plasn and design for modern minimalist homes in Indonesia. We hope that will become collection of house olans an designs, also provides interior and exterior inspiration for modern home decorations.