Kitchen Design : Selecting The Right Color To Paint Your Kitchen -- Color becomes the most important element for beauty on the inside of the house or the space inside. Therefore, the selection of paint for a space also need to be though of in order to be more precise and give a beautiful look. Rooms that need decoration or fresher atmosphere are not only living rooms, bedroom and family room only. Kitchen in  the house you need to choose the interior that dances in ranging from paint to complete furniture inside. this time will give a little review about choosing the right color for the kitchen at home. 

Kitchen by : houseof.asr

Minimalist white

The use of white color for space in the house is very appropriate to give the impression of relief and airy. As in this kitchen that choose with white color in the use of cabinets to pantry in the kitchen. As well as the walls in this kitchen choose the same color to make it more beautiful and look neater and cleaner. 

Kitchen by : dapuricaaak

Blue saphire

The right color combination can be seen from this area of the kitchen. This plain wall gives the impression of more space and looks eight. So as not to impress stiff, you can use the blue sapphire interior on the bottom of the table for the use of curtains as a minimalist cover. Quite interesting on the backsplash in this kitchen that mosaic-patterned tiles for focal point to make it more striking.

Kitchen by : novifriskawati

Black color

Elegant impression that can be seen form this part of the kitchen is seen in the backsplash, pantry area to monochrome patterned curtains. Although minimalist with a blend of black color, this kitchen feels more elegan and gives an interesting impression. To add storage, you can add ambalan shelves that are on the wall as a place of ingredients to cook spices.

Kitchen by :rumahmungiltiara

Dark pink

Kitchen area combined with mini bar is combined with white color for table and dark pink to make it more eye catching. For the kitchen that looks letter L shaped gives a simple impression by paying attention to enough wiggle room to make it more comfortable. To make it more comfortable you can add some decorations such as plants or shelves for additional storage more efficiently and functionally. 

Kitchen by :delliasmardan

Purple and whote combination

The following kitchen has a minimalist size with a kitchen set area in the form of letter L. Pantry area selected black color with ceramic material gives the impression of elegant and more charming. To make this kitchen area more beautiful you can choose ceramics with vertical line accents for a more tangible space dimension. So that it does not feel stiff, the interior wall of white color you can choose as a combination of fresher tone and slightly give the impression of relief and airy. 

Kitchen by : gibranfarel25

Refreshing green

Although the use of green color in this kitchen not only application thoroughly, the owner combines different tone with minimalist wall, you can add some decorations from ornamental plants to wall decor that says "kitchen" which is aesthetically and interesting.

For those of you who want inspiration for design and house plan ranging from simple to modern. Please leave your message and comment on Home Design Picture.

Hopefully this article is useful for those of you who are looking for design inspiration home plans. May you be facilitated sustenance in building your dream home.

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Author    : Lynda
Editor     : Munawaroh
Source   : Various Sources

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