6 Bedroom With Beautiful Accent Wall

Homeshabby.com -- The bedroom is a place that in addition to resting is also a place to look for inspiration. To give comfortable to the room, you can change the atmosphere on the interior of the wall first. To give it the right dimensions, just use wall accents with wallpaper or wall paint selection. That way the room in the house will be very comfortable and make the owner feel at home linger.


Blue room wall with minimalist interior

Bedroom by : srirustiani

The selection of the blue on the walls of this room gives the dominant focal point feels more coloring and fun. To get rid of the monotonous impression you can use white curtains accents as seen. Add also with wall decorations that can be filled with photos or succulent plants.

The walls of the room impressed industrial

Bedroom by : rumahnayyara20

Industrial style at this time is preferred by young people. Besides impressing simple with solid colors, his interior will also follow on the whole space. Examples in this bedroom that use black fossil color to make it more simple and look you can choose with two hanging lamps located on the right and left side of the bed.

Bedroom with exposed brick wall without finishing

Bedroom by : kamartidursederhana

In contrast to the wall decorations in the previous bedroom, this cover presents a classic and bohemian impression into one. You can have a dominant brown color so that the look of this room is more aesthetic with a simple impression.

Bedroom pastel color and feminine look

Bedroom by : house_of_malikha

This bedroom design is perfect for those of you who have daughters. Combining two colors on the two colors on the wall with tropical painting decorations makes this room more homey. You can choose the floor use more full color bed linen to make your child more comfortable in the room, also pay attention to the ventilation to look more open without stuffy.

Bedroom with masculine and earthy impression on the bed linen

Bedroom by : febby_z

Atmosphere that enters and earthy in this room you can try at home. Use a large bed that can give volume to this room. Walls with darker colors provide a warm atmosphere. You can add some decorations to the walls for an aesthetic impression.

Bedroom with simple coloring

Bedroom by : batam_dekor

If you want a different atmosphere and calmer in the bedroom, just use soft colors such as soft pink, soft blue with a combination of white interior to make it more neutral. Decorating also with a similar interior to make it more comfortable to stay in. The lighting can be adjusted from the ventilation in this bedroom, so that the impression is open and privacy can be adjusted to the moment.

For those of you who want inspiration for design and house plan ranging from simple to modern. Please leave your message and comment on Home Design Picture.

Hopefully this article is useful for those of you who are looking for design inspiration home plans. May you be facilitated sustenance in building your dream home.

Don't forget to share it with you relatives and family to benefit others.

Author    : Lynda
Editor     : Munawaroh
Source   : Various Sources

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