Scandinavian Small Kitchen Design Ideas From The Experts -- Happy new years everyone, this time back with inspiration that is full if informative and fun about the interior of the house. Discussion this time about scandinavian-style kitchenette dominant with the use of neutral colors for minimalist impression and simpler. No need to know if the kitchen is the most important place in the house. The presence of a kitchen in the house can provide an increasingly crowded and warn atmosphere. However, the feeling of comfort when cooking in the kitchen also needs to be displayed on order to give more spirit. The following at the design of a small kitchen with scandinavian style.

Kitchen table shape L with white color and brown on the curtains

Kitchen by : rumahmungilnabil

No need to use a kitchen set to display scandinavian style in the kitchen. You can have a kitchen with scandinavian style look and comfortable atmosphere. even with a size of 2 x 2 m, this kitchenette looks homey with a white interior that gives the impression of clean and airy. The use of curtains to cover the kitchen table at the bottom is deliberately done to impress neat and beautiful. Because without the use of the kitchen cabinet, just add shelves attached to the wall to impress efficiently.

Kitchenette with wood material with bright lighting

Kitchen by : sophieamelita

Scandinavian style is known for its natural elements, such as in the design of this kitchenette. The owner chooses wood material s for the use of cabinets under the kitchen. The dominant wood element of brown color looks in harmony with the white cabinet on it. The use of kitchen model with L shape is chosen for a spacious impression considering the small size of the kitchen, you can give a broad impression with the presence of LED light at the bottom of the cabinet to make it brighter at night as seen.

Kitchen island concept that is more charming

Kitchen by : dapurmungil

Other with the following kitchen, the owner chose the concept of kitchen island with scandinavian style dominant. The use of white color as well as the addition of brown color in the kitchen table adds to the dominant scandinavian style that is thick. You can choose with the shape if the kitchen L to maximize enough wiggle room without charming. In addition to eye catching because of the various element in the look this kitchen, the owner also added modern interiors such as cooker hood to eliminate unpleasant odors to make it more comfortable when cooking.

Small kitchen without an open plan cabinet with dining room

Kitchen by : rumahcaca

Having one space with two different functional is indeed an option if it has a small and limited house. As in this room, the owner has a kitchen without a cabinet  considering the small space, so the storage efficiently is replaced with shelves arranged on the walls. Without borders, the kitchen combines the dining room to make it more harmonious when gathered together. With scandinavian style, this kitchen uses white interior to impress clean and airy.

Scandinavian style kitchen join dining room

Kitchen by : nathasiamilka

Two different function in one room are also chosen by the owner of this house. Combining the kitchen and dining room is not a difficult problem to try. To be more spacious, you can use the kitchen form L. So that spaciousness can be felt when gathered in the kitchen. Use interiors that dominate scandinavian style such as white and brown from natural wood elements. Cabinets area also use quite a lot, so you din not have to worry if the storage for cooking furniture, groceries and  cutlery will be less.

Elongated kitchenette with semi outdoor roof

Kitchen by : diarama14

Having a kitchen with an open impression and fresh air is still a favorite target among many people. No need to overdo it to design a semi open kitchen, you can use a hollow roof or with a  glass roof like this. Scandinavian style dominant interior can be selected on the shelf or kitchen cabinet. White elements are also very thick with scandinavian style, in addition to aesthetic impression of airy and clean you can feel.

For those of you who want inspiration for design and house plan ranging from simple to modern. Please leave your message and comment on Home Design Picture.

Hopefully this article is useful for those of you who are looking for design inspiration home plans. May you be facilitated sustenance in building your dream home.

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Author    : Lynda
Editor     : Munawaroh
Source   : Various Sources

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