-- A beautiful and charming one-story minimalist dream house. With a modern design, this 8 x 12 meter house was built by spending around 26,000 to 34,000 USD. Want to know the design? Let's take a look!
Just looking at the facade, many must have been mesmerized. With a beautiful and decorative roof, and a large yard, this house looks comfortable to live in with your beloved family.
Aerial view
The landscape that is arranged in such a way makes the house and the surrounding environment look neat and clean. Moreover, the plants that grow around the house make the atmosphere fresher and more natural.
Interior design
Beautiful interior. Good arrangement and furniture that is placed according to the size of the room. And interesting decorations make the interior design more lively.
Floor plan
The house plan in detail can be seen in the picture above. In addition to displaying the position between rooms, there are also details of its size. More complete, right?